Manufacturer of capillary mattings
Henofa is manufacturer of capillary mattings
Capillary mattings distributes and buffers the water evenly over pot plants. A perfect operation of the capillary matting is essential for an even growth of the crop and root development. In addition to the standards widths and lengths, there are the necessary machines to deliver custom made capillary mattings.
Two factors play an important role in the decision making process for capillary mattings:
Water capacity: is related to the buffer function of a capillary matting and is the amount of water it is capable of holding.
Capillary action: The term capillary action refers to the degree in which the capillary matting distributes water evenly over the entire surface.
Why choose for a capillary matting from Henofa?
Henofa is manufacturer of capillary mattings and offers a complete product range of capillary mattings in different price and quality categories. We can supply a suitable matting for every type of cultivation. Thereby, we are able to cut and punch capillary mattings in custom made dimensions, such as for benches, danish trolleys and cultivation floors / tables.
The table listed below provides an overview of the three different types of capillary mattings from Henofa, based upon capillary action and water capacity.